Dr. Lai-Xi Wang

UMD University of Maryland, College Park Spring 2025

Gain insight on popular concepts Dr. Wang most likely tests on his exams. Contact me for 1-on-1 tutoring now to learn new study strategies, access one-of-a-kind resources, and learn hundreds of tips and tricks to help you ace your exams and homework in CHEM 237!

Email me: helpme@aromaticprep.com
Text or Call me: (301) 500-0289‬

Please include your phone number.

Dr. Wang's Exam Style

Dr. Wang provides one practice exam for his students to study, but no past actual exams. Tutor with me for access to 3.5 semester's worth of Dr. Wang’s exams and explanations dating back to 2017 when he started teaching CHEM 237 to prepare you for the midterms and final.
Dr. Wang does have a curve so his class is more competitive. Students in this class should be protective of their resources and knowledge gained from 1-on-1 tutoring so they don’t fall below the 1 standard deviation cut-off on the curve.
Students have the ability to get an A or jump two (2) letter grades in this class by beating the curve with 2 standard deviations above the average, IF they practice all the old exams going back 3.5 semesters.
Dr. Wang is not a “fancy professor.” Meaning that he is a creature of habit, does not assign unnecessary homeworks, and sticks to the same mechanisms/reactions on midterms 1, 2, and 3 each semester. However, since Covid happened, his format could change in Fall 2021.

CHEM 237 Points Breakdown

    • Where Do These Stats Come From?

    My grading estimates are based on actual exam/final averages and curves cutoffs from the most recent semester he taught CHEM 237. This info is coming soon in June 2021, or tutor with me today for faster access!

      Drop Rates

    14.85% Drop Rate.

      Exam Averages

    Exam 1: 107.7 / Exam 2: 112.6 / Exam 3: 100.1 / Final: 170.8

      Exam Points

    Midterms 1, 2 & 3: 150 Points Each / Final: 250 Points

      Clicker Points

    Must be done during lecture. 6 points per lecture.



  • Study Tips for CHEM 237 Exams

    Keep Going

    Re-do a problem 5 times - this helps cement your knowledge, and recall it under high pressure testing environment.

    Don’t Cram

    Plan ahead at least 2 weeks. Study by chapter so you absorb in digestible chunks.

    Avoid Distractions

    Silence your phone, videos, and tell family to stop bugging you to create a focused environment.

    Why Tutor with Me for Dr. Wang's CHEM 237?

    • Curated Videos- Tutor with me to watch my videos specific to Dr. Wang’s curriculum. This will help you keep on top of his material and understand everything in lecture with Dr. Wang.

      Exam Tips and Tricks - Get tips and secret resources used by Dr. Wang. Know UMD's peculiarities and learn specific strategies to study for exams.

      Focus on What's "Actually" Tested - I emphasize topics that I know have been historically tested on in your class during our sessions. I'll reinforce really important subjects that you'll need to know to pass your exams and get your desired grade.

      Access To Joy's Extensive Resources - Get access to my entire exam key collection and homework keys for Dr. Wang and relative keys to prepare you for exams and beat the curve!

  • Email me: helpme@aromaticprep.com
    Text or Call me: (301) 500-0289‬

    Please include your phone number.