CHEM 131

UMD University of Maryland, College Park Spring 2025

Contact me for tutoring right now, and you'll learn insider tips on how CHEM 131 professors create exam questions and set curved grade cutoffs at UMD. Gain access to my entire CHEM 131 test bank and resources to help you prepare for your upcoming exams.

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Text or Call me: (301) 500-0289‬

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Spring 2025 Professors at University of Maryland, College Park

Select a Teacher to learn more about their teaching style.

What to look out for in UMD CHEM 131

    • Absence Policy

    After an emergency, including hospitalization, ~80% of UMD chem professors expect you to take their exam same time as everyone else when you return to campus.

      High Drop Rate

    CHEM 131 is a weed-out class and the department knows it. A drop rate of 20% is not uncommon no matter who the professor is.

      Course Similarities

    The only difference between CHEM 131 and CHEM 135 are Exam 3 topics.

      Curve Setback

    Students frequently have classmates who have taken CHEM 131 before, making it their 2nd attempt (or even 3rd attempt) and therefore putting first-timers at a disadvantage for the grading curve.

  • Study Tips for CHEM 131 Exams

    Get Help Early

    Work with a tutor, find a study group, or talk to your professor if you get stuck.

    Don't Cram

    Plan ahead at least 2 weeks. Study by chapter so you absorb in digestible chunks.

    Ask Questions

    Be bold and ask direct questions when you're stuck - there's value in wrong answers so you can recognize and avoid them.

    Why Tutor With Me for CHEM 131?

    • Accelerated Catch Up - If you're behind, I'll help you catch up 10x faster than studying on your own using private resources.

      Tech Savvy Tutor - I know the ins and outs of online meeting software, like Zoom, Webex and I'll easily fix your tech issues as well to ensure our session runs smoothly.

      Learn The Source of Exam Questions - ~75% of CHEM 131 UMD professors create their own exam questions. ~25% of professors pull from outside sources (such as textbooks) that students are not aware of. As part of 1-on-1 tutoring, I’ll prioritize your access to resources, so you know which questions to study and most likely tested in class.

      Excel on What's "Actually" Tested - ~75% of UMD professors recycle old exam questions. Some professors repeat entire exams verbatim, some repeat only 1 or 2 questions per test. Yet, having seen them, students still don’t know how to begin due to confusing wording. Tutor 1-on-1 with me and I’ll help you translate Chemistry into English so you can answer quickly and correctly.

  • Email me:
    Text or Call me: (301) 500-0289‬

    Please include your phone number.